About the ECCTR Project
Cornea transplantations Worldwide, the cornea is the most frequently transplanted intact tissue with over 180,000 transplants performed annually.
In Europe, an estimated 30,000 cornea transplantations are performed annually. Corneal disease is the second cause of blindness worldwide. Corneal transplantation remains the main method for rehabilitation once vision is affected, pain reduction is needed or the integrity of the eye is at risk.
Who We Are
The European Cornea and Cell Transplantation Registry (ECCTR) is a European Consortium that aims to build an EU web-based registry in the field of cornea and to asses and verify the safety quality and efficacy of corneal transplantation.
The aim of the project is to build a common assessment methodology and establish an EU web-based registry and network for academics, health professionals and authorities to assess and verify the safety quality and efficacy of corneal transplantation in ophthalmology.

Videos & Documents
European Cornea and Cell Transplantation Registry
C/O Suite 7-9 The Hop Exchange, 24 Southwark St, SE1 1TY, London, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)1730 715 212 Email: registries@escrs.org
ECCTR is co funded by:
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